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Allergy: Skin Testing

An allergy skin test is a test done on the skin to identify an allergen responsible for triggering an allergic reaction. There are different types of skin testing and they include:

  • Intradermal or intracutaneous skin testing
  • Prick/Puncture testing

Allergens are of different types and forms as people have different allergens triggering an allergic reaction. Allergens can be food, medications, latex, insect venoms and environmental allergens or otherwise called aeroallergens. These environmental allergens include tree pollen, grass pollen, weed pollen, furry animals and molds which can cause allergic eye symptoms, nasal symptoms and asthma symptoms. There are cases where a skin test cannot be done. For these patients, special blood tests such as RAST and ELISA would be done. They measure the presence of specific types of IgE in the blood. These tests may cost more than skin tests and results are not available immediately. Positive RAST and ELISA tests do not by themselves necessarily make the final diagnosis. 

In some rare cases there could be a severe allergic reaction to skin testing. For this reason, skin testing should be completed by an experienced allergist who is well prepared to diagnose and treat a severe allergic reaction.


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Below is a list of sources referenced in the Health Facts for additional reading:

Doctall has collated the information contained within this factsheet from several reputable sources listed here